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Personality Assessments



Why interview a stranger?




While all jobs demand a certain skill and ability level there are always other questions that

an employer has to consider when recruiting or developing staff.  For example, will the

person be able to influence others? Are they likely to be able to lead and motivate   others? Will they be happy working alone or do they prefer working as part of a

team?  Are they likely to generate ideas? Are they happy with routine or will they always be looking for change?  Depending on the role ,these and other traits may or      may not, be required but how can you be sure that a candidate possesses them?

This is where Personality Assessments can provide a distinct advantage by measuring    those aspects of behaviour which cannot be measured by other techniques, yet may be crucial to the successful execution of the role. Personality Assessments help companies assess the likely behaviour and preferred work styles of both prospective candidates and existing employees.

Key benefits of objective Personality Assessments


  • Very significant savings due to more efficient and effective candidate selection and retention
  • Provides valuable additional information to aid and support other candidate selection techniques
  • Assess how a person is likely to behave at work and how this may impact performance
  • Removes reliance on subjective interpretation of CV’s and interview


  • Increases the efficiency of interviews by highlighting areas to probe
  • Provides insight into how someone might fit into an existing team

Perfect prior to interview, personality assessments provide candidate-specific reports supplying invaluable insights to guide and support selection decisions. For staff development purposes reports can highlight individual strengths and areas for development.

Personality Assessments provide a truly competitive edge not just in the area of recruitment but also in


  • Training needs analysis and individual development
  • Career counselling
  • Succession planning                                                       
  • Team building and development
  • Organisational change                                                        Oriel Training - Psychometric Testing - Ability testing - personality questionnaires - recruitment - dundalk

Please Contact us for details of our Psychometric Testing services

Key Benefits of Psychometric Testing

Ability Tests

All courses are available in a group or one to one basis. Contact us for more details.

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