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Time Management Training, Personal Effectiveness, Dundalk, Psychometric Testing, Staff Development

Time Management – Personal Effectiveness

"Efficient people do things right, effective people do the right things"

 Peter Drucker

Aim: The aim of the course is to allow participants stand back and look at how they use their time and how their time is used by others. As well as recognising how their time is wasted participants will learn how to improve their approach to planning, prioritising and scheduling. This leads to increased productivity and satisfaction both inside and outside the work environment.

Objectives: At the end of the course participants will have:

  • A greater understanding of how their time is spent and know how to identify and deal with time wasting activities
  • Developed ways to deal with potential time-wasters such as the telephone, casual callers, interruptions etc
  • Learned how to say NO! without causing offence
  • Identified the important from the not important
  • Learned how to schedule important tasks on a daily and weekly basis
  • Learned how to turn time wasting meetings into productive meetings
  • Identified how effective delegation can be a major time saver
  • Practiced how to prioritise and plan more effectively
  • Learned how to save time and energy by concentrating only on S.M.A.R.T goals.

Delivery methods: The course is delivered using a variety of methods including

pre-course exercise, case study and workshop supported by handouts and post course exercise.

Duration: The course is held over one full day.

All courses are available in a group or one to one basis. Contact us for more details.

                       OC Training Ltd is a Fas/Enterprise Ireland approved training company.

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