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       Performance Management


  "A person who aims at nothing is sure to hit it "


Title:  Performance Management

Description: Performance Management is about achieving your business objectives through your people. Effective performance management motivates your staff and helps them achieve their potential both professionally and personally. Handled badly, staff appraisals can lead to frustration and destroy morale. Structured and well executed appraisals highlight development needs and enable all concerned to identify and utilise individual strengths.

Aim: The aim of the course is to provide a structure for performance management and show how effective performance management can be developed within your business. The course concentrates on how to set effective goals for staff and how to conduct the appraisal interview in an effective non-confrontational manner.

Objectives: At the end of the course participants will have:

  • A clear appreciation of the importance and benefits of performance management
  • Identified the issues that can arise in relation to performance management and how to deal with them
  • Learned how to set effective and realistic goals for staff
  • Learned how to win the cooperation of staff when presenting goals
  • A checklist to guide them through the appraisal process
  • Practised how to handle the appraisal interview including how to deliver negative feedback

All courses are available in a group or one to one basis. Contact us for more details.

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